
Manuscript Assessment

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Once you have written book, you need to move away from it for a while. Give it some distance. You have probably been working on it for weeks if not months or even years. Even before you pay a professional editor to start working on polishing it, you might want to get your book assessed by a professional.

What is Manuscript Assessment?

A Manuscript Assessment looks at the overall structure, content and style of your manuscript. It may include things like plot, character, point of view, pace, writing style, narrative, dialogue, presentation, length, use of research, readership, marketing or publishing possibilities. It’s a great way to get professional advice on your writing.

Manuscript Assessments provide you with an opportunity to receive expert advice on the big picture of your manuscript before it goes out to an agent or publisher.

It will give you a full critique which is an objective opinion of your work.

A Manuscript Assessment aims to do three things.

  • First, it finds a way into the story—it gives the reader a foothold in understanding what they are reading by identifying the story’s purpose and style and summarising its contents.
  • Second, it explores structure—identifying the key features of plot, characters, setting and point of view, as well as writing style.
  • Third, it evaluates content—exploring issues like pace, tension, resolution and originality.

So, as well as offering specific editing services, we can look at your manuscript as a whole and offer the advice and experience of an accredited editor who has seen hundreds of manuscripts.

How does book a Manuscript Assessment Service with us:

  1. Download the form and email it to our editing team.
  2. On receipt of this form we will tell you how to submit your manuscript to us. All submissions will be electronic. We do not accept hard copy submissions.