
The Nuts and Bolts of Structuring Your Business Book

the nuts and bolts of structuring your business book

If you’re thinking about writing a business book, you may be wondering what the best approach is. Should you focus on a catchy title? Create an amazing blurb? The answer is: all of the above. But there’s a lot more to it. Let’s talk about how you can structure your business book in a way that will get results.

Supercharge your outline

When writing a business book, you should always start with an outline. Seems like a no brainer, right? However, your outline needs to be more than just an outline. The central idea or promise of your business book needs to be carried throughout your entire outline. Every single section of your book needs to be brought back, in some way or another, to your one central idea.

This type of book is quite different than fiction, where ideally the story carries you along from one idea to the next. The person reading your business book is, most likely, not going to read it in one sitting. They are going to read it a section at a time, trying to absorb the invaluable information you have set forth. They need to be able to see the central concept of your book in each part or chapter.

Give real-world examples

A good business book should have as many real world accounts, testimonials, or case studies as possible. These are the heart-blood of your book. Without them, everything you write could be viewed as conjecture.

This is not the time for abstract accounts. Your audience wants to know that the promise you’re making is real and that it’s worked for others. By giving them relatable examples, you’re helping them envision the walk down the path to success.

Make it easy to digest

We live in a fast paced world. Few and far between are the times when we get to sit uninterrupted for hours with a book in our hand. Structuring your book in short, digestible sections will help your reader stay focused on the content, even when they are constantly being bombarded by email notifications, children, meetings, and more.
This can be achieved by creating short and to the point chapters. Breaking the content up with case studies, examples, and pull quotes is also a great way to keep your book tidy and easy to read.

You may have the most groundbreaking idea for a business book out there, but if the structure of the book isn’t great, people just won’t take the time to read it. Set yourself and your book up for success by making your book focused, relatable, and easy to read.

Shoma Mittra

Shoma Mittra

My mission is to help make the process of writing a book – from blank page to published author as easy as possible for you. You don’t have to tie yourself in knots about the whole writing and publishing process because I have made it incredibly simple for you.

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